Common name: Bloodfin Tetra
Scientific Name: Aphyocharax anisitsi
Max Size: 5.5 cm
Care: Bloodfin Tetras are best kept in schools of 6 or more. They swim mainly in the upper and middle water layers and are highly sociable fishes, mixing well with other types of tetra and tropical fish in general, so are therefore ideally suited to a community tank. An extremely hardy tropical fish well suited to beginners, bloodfin tetras can also be kept in cold-water tanks, providing the temperature does not drop below room temperature. They thrive quite happily in temperatures ranging from 64 - 83 degrees Fahrenheit. Turning on and off aquarium lights tends to blind these fish and cause them to dart around frantically, but they will settle down shortly after.
Food: Regular feeding of only live foods maintain the Bloodfin Tetras beautiful metallic sheen. Most tropical flakes will work fine if crushed into a suitable size. Many recommend, as a general rule, feeding the fish as much as they can eat in 1 minutes, six times a day.
Comments: Bloodfins are comparatively large tetras, growing to 5.5 cm. Its notable feature (as the name suggest) is the blood red colouration at the tail, dorsal, anal and adipose fin. Bloodfin Tetras are extremely hardy, making them well suited to a novice fish keeper.